Friday, April 11, 2008

Blog 6

I've found that this arguement paper is going to be the hardest one. It is very time consuming with finding all the sources and and citing them and everything. It is also kind of interesting to do though because you get to find more info about a topic that you are interested in. I guess I can't say it's fun but it could be much much worse. At first, five to seven pages seemed like a lot but after doing some of the research I realized that five pages is going to be very simple. One of the hardest things for me so far is just deciding which five sources to use. I have looked up so many different sources that it's tough to decide which ones to use. We also have quite a bit of time to get it done which is nice because she could give us only a week or two if she wanted. So all in all, I guess I'm not looking forward to this but it could also be a lot worse and it shouldn't be all that hard.

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