Friday, January 16, 2009

Junk-Food Heaven p.55-58

The purpose of this essay is clearly to show how american food should not be considered food. It is so filled with chemicals to preserve the food, that its quality does not even compare to nutritional, good food.
The audience is any U.S. citizen that wants to hear the truth about the so called "good food" that we have become so accostumed to (that which we probably wouldn't like if we weren't used to it.)
The strategy he uses is an expiriment performed by himself. (buying tons of junk food and eating every last unsatisfying bit of it.) He adds funny comments such as "I longed for melted cheese that was in the shade of yellow unkown to nature."(haha!)(56)
I liked this essay! It made me laugh, but also kind fo disgusted to know that we eat food that is just so bad for us, and don't even realize it anymore. So many preservatives and additives that we just can't resist! I like the sarcastic humor, it makes it kinda fun to read, and makes you giggle in your head while reading.

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